We look forward to us joining for SPL's 2024 Summer Reading program! All ages will embark on reading adventures with fun programs and the chance to in awesome prizes. No library card? No problem! You can still participate in Summer Reading.
Syracuse Public Library's 2024 Summer Reading programs will run from June 3 through July 19. This year all ages can sign up for the chance to win prizes! Everyone can start signing up June 1 at the Syracuse Public Library or via the Beanstack app.
New This Year: Beanstack

Beanstack, sponsored by the Friends of the Syracuse Public Library, will be used to track summer reading this year for all age groups. Beanstack is an app that can be downloaded to your mobile device for free from either the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
- Once downloaded, set up an account and join the Syracuse Public Library (IN) community, OR ask a SPL librarian to help you get signed up.
- Parents, you can track all of your children's summer reading on one account by adding multiple readers (yourself included if you are doing the adult summer reading program).
- Don't forget to enter your raffle tickets or have a librarian do it for you.
- The last day to enter logs is July 19.
Want To Support Summer Reading?
Do you want to help support Syracuse Public Library's Summer Reading programs? We've created a wish list on Amazon, which features items for programs and prizes. Click here to browse it! Monetary donations can also be mailed to the Syracuse Public Library at 115 E. Main St. Syracuse, IN 46567.
Fairfield Summer Library Cards
Free Fairfield summer library cards are back at the Syracuse-Turkey Creek Township Public Library from May 1-Aug. 1! These cards are made possible by the Fairfield Schools Literacy Fund, created by an anonymous donor who wanted to stop the summer slide for students living in the Fairfield Schools district. Families and children can sign up for a card any time from May 1-Aug. 1, with cards all expiring on Aug. 31. Qualifying children -- age birth through entering 12th grade in 2024 -- must live in Benton, Clinton or Jackson townships.
- Children
- Teens
- Adults
Children's Summer Reading
Kickoff Party!
Syracuse Public Library will kick off its children's summer reading program on Wednesday, June 5, in the Community Roots outdoor space!
Registration for summer reading begins at 10 a.m. A Hedgehog Hannah animal performance will then start at 10:30 a.m.
Registration for summer reading begins at 10 a.m. A Hedgehog Hannah animal performance will then start at 10:30 a.m.
PrizesIncentive PrizesEvery 200 minutes/pages read AFTER reaching 250 minutes/pages: Visit the library and get one of the following:
Grand Prizes
ActivitiesStorytime Across the Globe10:30 A.M. Wednesdays Ages: Birth to Age 5
Tween Time Around the World2 p.m. Thursdays Ages: 8-12
Globe-trotting Fridays2 p.m. Fridays Ages: 6 and older
Jet Set Family NightsTime: 5 p.m. Ages: All Ages
Sail Away! End of Summer Party
1:30-3 p.m. Friday, July 19
All Ages Celebrate the end of Summer with a big party! The party starts at 1:30 p.m. with SnoCones as supplies last.
Be prepared to get wet as Foamzilla returns to SPL at 2 p.m. for a giant foam party. Everyone had a blast last year when they came! The party will end at 3 p.m. |
Teen Summer Reading
The Rules
The PrizesIncentive PrizesEvery 120 minutes/pages read get on of the following:
Grand Prizes
ActivitiesTeens (grades 6-12) can participate in a variety of fun programs in June and July!
June 2024
July 2024
Adult Summer Reading
PrizesIncentivesFor every 500 minutes/pages, readers will receive one of the following:
Grand Prizes
ActivitiesFamily Night
Taste And Explore
Knit & Crochet Your Way Around The World~ Meets at 1:30 p.m. ~
Everyday Adventures