November is Picture Book Month! This international literacy initiative celebrates print picture books, which often serve as the building blocks for creating lifelong readers.
Syracuse Public Library staff members have selected a few picture books that they would like to share with our young patrons and their families because the best part about picture books is sharing them. Without further ado, here are our picks: Megan's Pick: My Teacher Is a Monster (No, I'm Not) by Peter Brown Megan loves this book because it always makes kids laugh! Rebekah's Pick: Chopsticks by Amy Krouse Rosenthal Rebekah likes this book because of the way the story is told and because of how funny it is! It hits her funny bone! Emilia's Pick: Humpty Dumpty Lived Near a Wall by Derek Hughes Emilia likes this book because it is a darker retelling of a classic fairytale! Scarlett's Pick: The Book With No Pictures by B.J. Novak Scarlett loves when I (mom Megan) read this book because I say silly words! Rhonda's Pick: Thanks for Nothing by Ryan T. Higgins My granddaughter, Lyl, likes it when grandma makes grumpy voices! Katie's Pick: Big Red Barn by Margaret Wise Brown My son, Dakota, loves that I can read it by heart and that I do the animal voices. Note: Megan has put together a display of all our staff picks so they can be easily found!
February 2025
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